The following Use cases show you how to use Test Data Orchestrator over the GUI. If you want to use it via API please check our REST API of the Test Data Orchestrator
Create an environment
Create a type
Add item
Search and reserve test data
Update test data
attribute changes
Create an environment
First click on the “Create” button in the Test Data Orchestrator on the environment overview:
Then enter the name and a description. Only the name is mandatory and it has to be at least 2 characters long. It should contain alphanumeric characters and may have “-” and “_”
Then press Save.
That’s it!
Create a Type
Select a Environment in which you would like to create Type. Then Click on the “Add” Button on the Type overview page:
Add on the Type creation page the type name and all the attribute names you would need.
By clicking “Add attribute” you can additional attributes.
When you’re finished click on the “Save” button